September 5, 2021
Hidden Penny Farm (check out their 2021 events)
Photo credit: Jimena Peck
We grow fresh and flavorful fruits and vegetables using human power, no-till, organic practices. Hidden Penny Farm grows a diverse range of produce that enriches the body, using methods that enrich the land. We strive to follow the natural patterns of our ecosystem in order to grow food that is nutritionally dense, vibrant, and delicious. We find great joy spending our days in the field, tending the soil, and learning the many lessons that the land has to teach. Together, as land and farmer, we bring Port Angeles beautiful food that supports the health of our bodies, our community, and our earth.
We will host a “meet your farmer” event and farm tour at our farm on Oct. 10th – with a walk and talk to highlight our no-till practices and our plan for overwintering crops so those who attend can learn how Hidden Penny is incorporating these techniques and also how attendees might apply these techniques to their own home gardens. We will also host a discussion on how we implement minimal/no-till practices on our farm and the countless benefits of no-till agriculture and it’s positive impact on soil health and the climate. Sign up here.
We also plan to promote our on-line ordering system and all of the benefits that provides to both our consumers and us as farmers. For the month of September, we will offer first time on-line order customers an extra seasonal goodie with their first order (and while supplies last an ELF bumper sticker or magnet). This could include seasonal produce such as tomatoes, apples, plums, etc!
Hidden Penny also provides food to the the Port Angeles Food Bank through the Farms to Food Pantry program coordinated by WSU Clallam County Extension.
photo credit: Sharah Truett
Find Hidden Penny on the WA Food & Farm Finder at:
Tags: Farm