GET ON THE FARM!  (Jefferson)

GET ON THE FARM! (Jefferson)

HOW TO GET OUT ON THE FARM IN JEFFERSON COUNTY Annual Jefferson County Farm Tour happens every September during Eat Local Month! Celebrating locally grown food, fiber, and farm-made products Our Mission: Celebrate locally grown food, fiber, and farm-made products Invite community members to learn ……. READ MORE

The Local Food Trust

The Local Food Trust

EAT LOCAL FIRST OLYMPIC PENINSULA COLLABORATIVE PARTNER We bring philanthropy to food and farming to build stronger communities.  We act as a value chain coordinator to create partnerships and connect local assets to amplify the positive impact food production can have on a regional economy.  ……. READ MORE

Supporting local farms and community with the Farm to Food Pantry program

Supporting local farms and community with the Farm to Food Pantry program

Have you heard of the Farm to Food Pantry program?   The program was established to purchase produce from local small farms for distribution to food banks. The funding for the program comes from WSDA (Washington State Department of Agriculture) and Harvest Against Hunger grant ……. READ MORE

Sequim Food Bank

Sequim Food Bank

The Sequim Food Bank is a community food bank whose mission is to provide food and assistance to families and organizations in our community. Offering a balance of nutritious food is a priority for the Sequim Food Bank and we continue to strive toward the ……. READ MORE

Sept 19th-25th: Local 20/20 (The Salish Sea Transition Hub) Eat Local!

Sept 19th-25th: Local 20/20 (The Salish Sea Transition Hub) Eat Local!

The Salish Sea Transition Town Hub (that includes Port Townsend’s Local 2020 group, and Lopez, Fidalgo, and San Juan Island’s Transition Town groups), is continuing its Eat Local! Campaign from September 19th – 25th. During this week, they will be focusing on PRESERVATION of foods ……. READ MORE

Grateful for these examples of generosity

Grateful for these examples of generosity

Our partners at Olympic Culinary Loop share the following insights into some BIG hearted parts of our local food system who – despite all the challenges of operating during COVID – have dug extra deep to serve up reasons for us to be giving Thanks ……. READ MORE

Olympic Peninsula Farmers Fund

Olympic Peninsula Farmers Fund

    “We were greatly impacted by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic…and the funds will be used for the necessary needs that our Q1 income would usually provide. [We are] so excited that this plan will benefit both us and the local food banks. ……. READ MORE