GET ON THE FARM!  (Jefferson)

GET ON THE FARM! (Jefferson)

HOW TO GET OUT ON THE FARM IN JEFFERSON COUNTY Annual Jefferson County Farm Tour happens every September during Eat Local Month! Celebrating locally grown food, fiber, and farm-made products Our Mission: Celebrate locally grown food, fiber, and farm-made products Invite community members to learn ……. READ MORE

Take the Eat Local Challenge and Win Prizes

Take the Eat Local Challenge and Win Prizes

Want a chance to win a prize package as part of our Eat Local Month 2022 celebration? It is easy to do. 1) Take the Eat Local Challenge!  Participate in one of the activities on the Eat Local Challenge card displayed.  Go all in and ……. READ MORE

Celebrate Eat Local Month 2022!

Celebrate Eat Local Month 2022!

Eat Local Month is back for a third year! This year we again encourage you to follow along with us on our Instagram and FaceBook channels (@eatlocalfirstolypen) as we celebrate our wonderful local food community and ask you to Get Out On A Farm! September ……. READ MORE



HOW TO GET OUT ON THE FARM IN CLALLAM COUNTY IN 2022 Come learn about and celebrate our local farming community. Don’t miss out on the fun.  Help us celebrate Eat Local First Month.  Get out on a farm today!  Check this page often for ……. READ MORE

Goodness Tea Farm & Tea House (Check out their September 2021 on-farm events)

Goodness Tea Farm & Tea House (Check out their September 2021 on-farm events)

photo caption: Farmer Shaelee and Product Specialist Cera enjoying the weather outside our shop We began in 2008 as a way to share therapeutic tea blends with friends, hitting the streets with hot tea in 2014 at the Port Angeles Farmers market and grocery stores ……. READ MORE

Hidden Penny Farm (check out their 2021 events)

Hidden Penny Farm (check out their 2021 events)

Photo credit: Jimena Peck We grow fresh and flavorful fruits and vegetables using human power, no-till, organic practices. Hidden Penny Farm grows a diverse range of produce that enriches the body, using methods that enrich the land. We strive to follow the natural patterns of ……. READ MORE

Sept 19th-25th: Local 20/20 (The Salish Sea Transition Hub) Eat Local!

Sept 19th-25th: Local 20/20 (The Salish Sea Transition Hub) Eat Local!

The Salish Sea Transition Town Hub (that includes Port Townsend’s Local 2020 group, and Lopez, Fidalgo, and San Juan Island’s Transition Town groups), is continuing its Eat Local! Campaign from September 19th – 25th. During this week, they will be focusing on PRESERVATION of foods ……. READ MORE

Sequim Farmers & Artisans Market (SFAM)

Sequim Farmers & Artisans Market (SFAM)

The Sequim Farmers & Artisans Market (SFAM) is known for an eclectic display of over 60 local vendors, a live music series, and a full calendar of events. SFAM provides a venue for our community to purchase locally grown, nutritious food as well as locally ……. READ MORE

Play BINGO! Win Prizes!

Play BINGO! Win Prizes!

Are you ready to play EAT LOCAL FIRST BINGO?   Join us and win with your hashtagged #eatlocalfirstolypen posts. Throughout the entire month of September we will be encouraging all of you to participate in a virtual bingo challenge for your chance to win one of ……. READ MORE

Eat Local Month: Experience joy and purpose while eating local for a resilient food future

Eat Local Month: Experience joy and purpose while eating local for a resilient food future

Eat Local Month is back for a second year! Join Eat Local First Olympic Peninsula collaborative partners as they support and share the work of local farmers, fishers, ranchers, chefs, restaurateurs, grocers and others supporting our local food system during Eat Local First month. Follow ……. READ MORE