Welly’s Real Fruit Ice Cream

Welly’s Real Fruit Ice Cream

photo credit @icecreamacrossthecountry – Savanna Yates (instagram account)

When Lillie finished college, she decided to head to New Zealand for a year, picking up different jobs along the way as she traveled the country. One of these jobs was at a small ice cream shop in a town called Tairua. It was here that she learned of real fruit ice cream – a scoop of ice cream, blended with a scoop of real fruit. Yum.

Husband-wife du0 Lillie & Jacob are now bringing New Zealand style real fruit ice cream to the Olympic Peninsula. Their trailer, Welly (named after the capital of New Zealand – Wellington) is now open seasonally outside of the Port Angeles Wharf. Welly’s Real Fruit Ice Cream uses local ingredients when possible. The ice cream base is from Lopez Island Creamery and a selection of berries are from Graysmarsh Farm as well as other farms in Washington. Welly’s is open to working with more farms in the area as they grow and fine tune their operations.

When not swirling ice cream cones, Lillie and Jacob can be found backpacking or hanging with their 2 kitties at home. They love the beauty of the Olympic Peninsula, they love being married to each other, and they love making others smile with their ice cream.

Be sure to ask what ice creams are made with Washington grown ingredients so you can help support our local farmers while helping this small business.

If you are playing Eat Local Bingo you may be the lucky winner of free cone on Welly’s.  Thanks to Lillie and Jacob for donating to help support Eat Local Month!

Find Welly’s on the WA Food & Farm Finder at:


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