Celebrate Eat Local Month 2022!

Celebrate Eat Local Month 2022!

Eat Local Month is back for a third year!

This year we again encourage you to follow along with us on our Instagram and FaceBook channels (@eatlocalfirstolypen) as we celebrate our wonderful local food community and ask you to Get Out On A Farm!

September is a great time to enjoy the bounty of goodies produced by our many local farms. From fresh dairy products, to delicious vegetables and fruits, to high quality meat and eggs, shoppers can meet virtually all their grocery needs buying directly from farms and local retailers right here on the Olympic Peninsula. By supporting local farmers, consumers are building meaningful relationships with the people who grow their food, they are ensuring more dollars stay in our local communities, and they are supporting the health and longevity of our farmland for many years to come.

The Eat Local First Collaborative will be highlighting ways to enjoy local food in Clallam and Jefferson counties. Throughout the month the local community will be engaged through social media to learn about farmers and producers in the region, where to buy local products and how to help individuals and families access fresh healthy food. The campaign will showcase food grown in the region and provide creative ways our local community can support everyone who helps bring local food from the farm and sea to our forks.

And this year we hope everyone will take the opportunity to GET OUT ON A FARM!   Get out there and mingle with your local community and meet some of our wonderful neighbors who grow delicious and nutritious food for us right here close to home.  We will be posting a list of opportunities to do just that on our website and our social media channels (@eatlocalfirstolypen) so visit us regularly for the latest info on evolving opportunities.

Get on the farm Jefferson County Event Listings are here.

Get on the farm Clallam County Event Listings are here.

Please join us as we support and share the work of local farmers, fishers, ranchers, chefs, restaurateurs, grocers and others supporting our local food system during Eat Local Month.

Follow Eat Local First Oly Pen (@eatlocalfirstolypen) on social media in September to take your taste buds on a journey through the farmlands, seas, markets, and restaurants of the Olympic Peninsula.

Throughout Eat Local Month consumers will be encouraged to participate in a virtual Eat Local First challenge. (Printable/Screenshot of challenge Card below) Individuals will be asked take to photos of the activities listed on the card as they participate in them, then post and share them by tagging us with @eatlocalfirstolypen and hash-tagging with #eatlocalfirstolypen. Help spread the word about how wonderful our local food scene is!  And help out our local farmers and food businesses by tagging them in your posts too!


Check here to enter to win your chance at prize packages from Country Aire Natural Foods in Port Angeles and The Food Co-Op in Port Townsend.  


Prizes will be awarded to Jefferson and Clallam County residents only and must be picked up in person in Jefferson or Clallam County within seven days of notification of winning.

Please make sure your hash-tagged posts are set to be shared to the PUBLIC, otherwise we can’t see them!


Thank you to our prize donors: Country Aire Natural Foods and The Food Coop in Port Townsend


Collaborative partners who manage and support the Eat Local First Olympic Peninsula year round campaign include: The Food Coop, Port Townsend, Washington State University Extension Regional Small Farms Programs, North Olympic Development Council, Olympic Culinary Loop, and The Local Food Trust.


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